Concern Hotline's Fish Fry Is This Friday!

Concern Hotline offers you the proven winner winner fish dinner for the 23rd year in a row! It's this Friday, September 2nd, from 4 p.m. till 9 p.m., at the Frederick County Fairgrounds. Enjoy the freshest fish dinner going, all the fixins, and drinks and dessert for all! Junkfood brings their high energy and fun to the Lykens Fish Fry Stage, along with DJ Skyhigh and other area agencies spreading their message of hope to our communities! Come celebrate with us and help us to continue to be your community Compassionate and Crisis Hotline, answering your calls since 1968. Still offering Drive Thru !!!

Get your tickets now at

Longtime friend of the Chris & Rosie Show, CEO Rust Holland tells us about the important mission Concern Hotline has had in our community for 54 years, and about the fun and food we can expect at this year's Friday Fish Fry!

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